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Time: 10/11 (Thu) 19:00PM - 21:00PM (Registration starts at 18:30pm)

Venue: ITRI International - 2870 Zanker Road, Suite 140, San Jose, CA 95134

Registration: https://mfgusa.eventbrite.com

Abstract: The speaker will discuss advanced manufacturing and the strategies being used by the U.S. government to regain manufacturing leadership,

This presentation focuses on Manufacturing in the USA based on the following emerging technologies:

·       The Internet of Things

·       Big Data Analytics

·       Artificial Intelligence

Microprocessors, micro control units, and MEMS are embedded in every mobile phone. There are other hardware and software that drive the Internet of Things (IoT).  The speaker will discuss briefly the IoT and Big Data Analytics in the following areas and smart everything such as smart cities:

·       Anatomy

·       Ecosystem

·       Taxonomy 

The speaker will also discuss what is Machine Learning and the dangers of artificial intelligence. Impacts of global warming and sustainability are highlighted.


Speakers: Hwaiyu Geng, CMfgE, P.E.

Hwaiyu Geng, CMfgE, P.E., is the founder and managing director at Amica Research, Palo Alto, California (www.AmicaResearch.org), promoting advanced manufacturing and engineering programs.  He has had over 40-years of diversified engineering and management experience, working with Westinghouse, Applied Materials, Hewlett-Packard, and Intel on international high-tech projects.  He has written and presented numerous technical papers at international conferences. He is the editor/author of Manufacturing Engineering Handbook (McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2016), Semiconductor Manufacturing Handbook (McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2017), Data Center Handbook (John Wiley & Sons, 2015), and IoT/Data Analytics Handbook (John Wiley & Sons, 2017).  He is a patent holder.