Chinese Institute of Engineers / USA San Francisco Bay Area Chapter will host its 35th annual conference and the 13th Asian American Engineer of the Year Award Ceremony on Saturday, March 1st, 2014 at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel (Marriot Waterfront Hotel, 1800 Old Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame). The keynote speakers for this evening are HTS (High Temperature Superconductor) pioneer Prof. Ching-Wu Chu and California State Controller Mr. John Chiang.

CIE/USA was founded in 1917 and has been the key organization of science and technology for the Chinese American engineering community.  There are now 7 local chapters that contribute to industrial development in Taiwan and mainland China.  The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter was founded in 1979 and is one of the leading non-profit-organizations in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

The evening banquet will be preceded by a technical seminar at 1pm, March 1st which is open to the public (free parking is provided).  The theme of this annual conference is the future of leading technology.  Four world class experts will discuss the trend of science and technology that affects our daily lives.  

For the afternoon seminar, Prof. Chenming Hu of UC Berkeley will review the FIN-FET technology which is hailed as the key factor to continue Moore’s law.  The second speaker is Mr. William McFarland who will discuss the impact of the “Internet of Everything”. The third speaker is Prof. Chung-Pei Ma of UC Berkeley who will lead us in exploring monster black holes.  The final topic is by Prof. Ching-wu Chu discussing the possibility of room temperature superconductors and its applications.  

The afternoon technical seminar is followed by the evening banquet and award ceremony of the 13th Asian American Engineer of the Year Award Event.  California State Controller Mr. John Chiang will present his view of the importance of STEM and the contribution by Asian American scientists and engineers to the California economy.  Prof. Ching-wu Chu will share his experience as the President of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the Honorary Chancellor of the Taiwan Comprehensive University System.  

The Asian American Engineer of the Year Award was one of the key programs by DiscoverE (formerly the National Engineering Week Foundation).  Chinese Institute of Engineers/USA has been tasked to organize the award event to recognize outstanding engineers in the US of Asian heritage.  This is the 3rd time the event will be held in San Francisco Bay Area within the last 13 years.  Over the last 12 years, there have been 7 Nobel Laureates who have won the Asian American Engineer of the Year Award, these include Dr. Steven Chu, Dr. Charles Kao, Dr. Rober Tsien, Dr. Yuan Tseh Lee, Dr. Daniel Chee Tsui, Dr. Samuel Chao-chung Ting, and Dr. Leo Esaki.  Notable past keynote speakers include Admiral Harry Harris, Jr.  Commander of the US Pacific Fleet in 2009.
This year, there will be 22 award recipients whose ethnicities compose of Chinese American, Indian American, Japanese American and Vietnamese American.  The recipients hail from companies including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, General Motors, IBM, Northrop Grumman, Texas Instruments, Siemens, Sandia National Lab, the US Navy and the US Army.

The two most distinguished award winners are Prof. Ernest Kuh of UC Berkeley (Distinguished Science and Technology Award) and Mr. Sanjay Mehrotra, co-founder and CEO of Sandisk (Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award).  Prof. Kuh joined the EECS department of UC Berkeley in 1956 and worked on Electric Circuit Theory and Computer-Aided Design for VLSI Circuit and Systems.  Mr. Sanjay Mehrotra co-founded Sandisk in 1988 and led the company to Fortune 500 and S&P 500.

The technical seminar in the afternoon is free and open to the public.  Parking for the whole event is free.  Registration for the banquet and evening award ceremony starts at 5pm; doors open at 5:40pm.  Purchase of the banquet tickets are $100 each and must be bought beforehand (no tickets will be sold at the event).  Purchase of the ticket can be done on-line by searching “AAEOY award ceremony” at   

Additional details of the event can also be found online at



美洲中國工程師學會 (美洲中工會) 舊金山灣區分會定於2014年3月1日 (周六) 假舊金山機場萬豪酒店 (Marriot Waterfront Hotel, 1800 Old Bayshore Hwy, Burlingame) 舉行該會第35屆年會及第13屆亞裔傑出工程師獎頒獎典禮。高溫超導先驅及台灣綜合大學系統總校長朱經武院士和加州審計長(California State Controller)江俊輝先生受邀在年會中發表主題演講。



首先,朱經武院士將深入探討室溫超導的可能性以及未來的應用發展。接著國際知名加大柏克來分校胡正明教授講述影響未來積體電子電路最大的”FIN- FET”三維電晶體。這技術被Intel創始者Gordon Moore喻為半導體科技四十年來最偉大的改變。它將改變高科技界的生態, 進而影響我們的生活。第三位講者同是加大柏克來分校的馬中珮教授。以發現”  怪獸黑洞” (Monster Black Hole) 聞名於世的馬教授, 將以她淺顯風趣的口吻帶你進如深渺的天文世界。第四位專家是來自高通公司的副總裁Bill McFarland。他將講述”萬物互聯”Internet of Everything (IoE) 的新科技與未來的應用。

晚間舉行第13屆亞裔傑出工程師獎頒獎典禮及晚宴,由朱經武院士擔綱作主題演講,朱院士除了在高溫超導研究有世界領先的地位外, 他還曾擔任香港科技大學校長多年, 並現任由台灣四所大學 (成功大, 中山大,中興大,中正大) 組成的台灣綜合大學系統總校長。由這位重量級的專家學者來講述他如何從一位亞裔美人”發現”自我的經過歷程。內容一定精採可期。

亞裔傑出工程師獎是由總部設在華盛頓特區的”DiscoveryE 基金會” (前身為“Eweek基金會”)授權美洲中國工程師學會在每年的工程師周頒獎以獎勵來自全美各大企業公司及軍種推薦的傑出亞。工程師。十三年來, 這是第三次在舊金山灣區舉行。過去的得獎者包括七位亞裔諾貝爾物理與化學獎得主,如朱棣文,崔琦,高錕,李遠哲,丁肇中, 錢永健, 江崎 玲於奈 (Leo Esaki)等, 主題演講者包括現任美軍太平洋艦隊司令海軍上將Harry Harris等。

今年受獎者共有二十二位, 其中華裔九位。其它族裔受獎者包括印度裔,日裔, 與越裔, 分別來自波音, 洛基馬丁, 通用汽車, IBM, 諾斯洛普格魯曼,德儀半導體,  西門子, Sandia 國家實驗室, 海軍及陸軍等單位。

今年的倆位特別獎得主分別是來自加大柏克來分校電機系的葛守仁教授 (Ernest Kuh)與Sandisk共同創辦人與CEO Sanjay Mehrotra。 葛守仁教授從1956年起任加大柏克來分校電機系教授,曾任該校電機系主任, 工學院長, 1993年退休,桃李滿天下,是電子電路學泰斗。印度裔的Sanjay 自1988創辦公司起將公司帶向 Fortune500 與S&P500的大公司, 成就斐然,堪稱亞裔楷模。

為回饋社區,下午的科技講座將免費開放入場,歡迎各界踴躍參與。 晚宴五時開始註冊,五時四十分憑票入場。預購每位一百元。桌位有限,預購從速。購票請上網登記預購 www.eventbrite.com找尋 ”AAEOY award ceremony” 。。下午與晚間的停車費經過驗證後由中工會統一支付,前來參會者免費停車。
