CIE/SF Scholastic and Special Achievement Award -2014
The Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE/USA) San Francisco Bay Area Chapter is now accepting applications for the Scholastic and Special Achievement Award. The names of the winners will be announced and awards will be presented at the CIE/SF Annual Conference on March 1st, 2014.
Following a long-standing tradition of pursuing excellence, CIE/SF has established this award program to encourage and recognize the outstanding scholastic and special achievements of the children of its members. Selection criteria will be based on a balanced achievement of applicants' outstanding academic accomplishments, participation in extracurricular activities and involvement in community service. Each award winner will receive a Certificate of Merit and a check of two hundred dollars and shall attend the CIE/SF Scholarship Award Ceremony of the Annual Conference, in the afternoon of March 1st, 2014
All applicants must meet the following qualifications:
A CIE/SF member's children
Currently a Junior or Senior (11th or 12th grade) in high school
Has never received the award from the CIE/SF Chapter before
All applicants may submit the following documents in soft copies
A completed application form (Download here).
A passport type personal photo (to be published in the CIE publications)
A high school Transcript
A personal essay (no more than 300 words) which includes information such as:
honor and awards received, offices of student organizations held, extracurricular activities, community service involved, volunteer work experience, etc. -
(For Non-CIE/SF member only ) Register as CIE/SF member through our web site : for annual membership fee $20 or permanent memership $100.
The deadline for the application is February 1st, 2014 For 12th grade student, please send in your application ASAP for possible early decision.
Please email your application to
美洲中國工程師學會舊金山灣區分會(CIE) 學術及特殊成就獎
作为一个有90多年追求优秀传统的学会,CIE/SF建立这个奖项来鼓励和认可其成员的子女的卓著的學術及特殊成就。优胜者将在CIE/SF 2014年会中接受颁奖。
选择标准将根据申请人的学术成就,课外活动和社区服务等综合考量。每个优胜者将得到证书和 $200美元支票。所有申请人必须提交:1. 申请表。2. 相片。3。高中成绩单。4。个人杂文。5。其他荣誉,奖励,社区服务,社会活动等.
截止期限为2014年2月1日. 颁奖委员会在2月20日之前将通知申请人最后决定。 有兴趣者请下载申请表