TAITA-SV is pleased to announce that its annual conference will take place on Saturday, September 10th , 2022 at Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley (46100 Landing Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538).
Our theme for this afternoon conference is "New Business Opportunities in Industrial Automation After COVID". The conference will run from 1pm to 5pm with agenda to be announced later.
Our afternoon session speakers includes the following:
Limin Hu, Former Chairman of Monte Jade West Science and Technology Association, Founder of Ellie Mae, Inc.
Chris Lu, Founder of CIMFORCE 上博科技
Fred Ming, Founder of Saltalk
Sean Hsu, Founder of Botrista
Ali Kashani, Cofounder and CEO of Serve Robotics
Moderator: David Jeng, CEO and Board Member of Wintec Industries
The afternoon program is free though registration is required. Tickets are required for attendance at the banquet dinner and evening keynote sessions. We sincerely thank you for taking time to learn more about TAITA-SV Annual Conference. Registration is now open, and we look forward to seeing you at the conference.
REGISTRATION LINK: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-taita-sv-annual-conference-afternoon-in-person-conference-tickets-396908823977