Time: Thursday Oct 19, 11:40am - 1:30pm PDT
Venue: Hong Fu Restaurant, 20588 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Registration: Close by 10/18 12:00am
Fee$15 cash/person

CIE would like to invite you to join our group lunch with CIE BOD members, President, Officers and friends. During this great event, you will know new friends from different area and we will take this chance to share our experience with all of friends in Silicon Valley. 

One of CIE BOD member Prof. Fred Hsia will give us a speech on the subject of Religion in All Aspects "宗教面面觀" about 15 minutes. You are also welcome to join the topic chat with Prof. Hsia. 

CIE sincerely would like to see you in Hong Fu Chinese Restaurant in October 19, 2017.


Video is available : https://youtu.be/5_7yIFxj7dg