CIE-SF Lunch and Network (LAN) at HongFu Restaurant on Fri. 12/13/2013 - 11:40AM
Please join us in CIE-SF LAN at Hong Fu Restaurant on Fri. 12/13/2013, 11:40AM. We plan to have the lunch getting together with CIE friends and chat. The lunch cost is $10/person (pay to restaurant).
It is approaching the end of year 2013 and CIE would not be able to serve its members without many of our volunteers' dedication during the past year. We would like to take this chance to thank all our volunteers and get together with all new friends.
CIE needs new bloods, and we all need friends. Please invite your friends to join us. Let's enjoy the lunch with all of you.
Good news! Prof. Fred Hsia (夏祖焯 教授) graciously agreed to give us a talk on the subject of temperament test: "為何公司要作性向測驗?你應拒絕或接受?". Prof. Hsia will talk about how the temperament tests are used in office, in family and among friends, and even in jobs. That will be an interesting topic!
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Hong Fu Gourmet Chinese Rstrnt
20588 Stevens Creek Blvd,
Cupertino, CA 95014
. 20588 Stevens Creek Blvd,
Cupertino, CA 95014