Will you be in the Bay Area on Feb 27th? If you will, we would like to invite you to join a “Maker Event” which is the afternoon program of the 2016 CIE-SF/USA (Chinese Institute of Engineers-SF/USA) Annual Conference. It will be held in the Computer History Museum, Mountain View on Sat. 2/27/2016. Afternoon session is free http://www.conference.cie-sf.org/index.php/speakers
繁體中文介紹 http://cie-sf.org/index.php/events/conference/20-event-conference/170-2016ac
简体中文介绍 http://cie-sf.org/index.php/events/conference/20-event-conference/171-2016asin1s
We have a very strong speaker lineup this year. Mr. Dale Dougherty, Founder and Executive Chairman of Maker Media Inc, has accepted our invitation. If you don’t know Maker Media, you may have joined or heard the Maker Faire which Mr. Dougherty created 11 years ago. It is amazing to see how they grow the Maker Faire to a worldwide event in such a short time (http://makerfaire.com/map/). Mr. Dougherty is a great speaker and I love his talk in TED. He is also a co-founder of O’Reilly Media which you may read books published by them.
Maker Movement is hot in Asia in the past 2 years. The governments of cities and countries created incentives for Maker Movement. Different to the US where the maker activities may begin from hobbies, the maker movement in Asia is usually coupled with entrepreneurship tightly. One thing in common is that people believe the maker education is important. One of the speakers, Mr. Weixun Cao, who is the CEO of BitLab, has built more than 200 maker classrooms in China. He will introduce the STEM programs in China and also the maker movement there. You will be surprised at what you will hear if you have not noticed the booming of the maker activities there.
Two more friends will share their maker experiences. One connected all devices of his home with internet and created a smart home few years ago. The other friend used low cost microcontrollers to create several interesting gadgets including one can detect the air quality (PM2.5). It is cheaper and easier to do these things today than years ago. Our speakers will give you all the detail info of the devices and parts that they used and show you how they search for the parts that they needed. CIE/USA got supports from sponsors and can provide this event free of charge. All you need to do is to register online today before all the seats are taken.
Date & Time: Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 1:00 PM ~ 5:00pm
Venue: Computer History Museum, 1401 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View